HOMEPhone GPS LocatorHow to track the location of the other person's phone without their knowledge?

How to track the location of the other person's phone without their knowledge?

GPS Phone Locater - How to Track Phone Number Location Online
How to track the location of the other person's phone without their knowledge?
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We can consider positioning mobile phones through wireless networks or base stations. Nowadays, many people are using smart phones. Everyone may understand that when we use mobile phones, everyone will be equipped with their own mobile phone card. We can use the base station information of the mobile phone card to query the geographical location of the other party.

In addition, in addition to the location of the mobile phone card, we can also consider using some software to query the location of the other party. We must know that there are some software that can obtain the location permission of the other party's mobile phone. We can hide the link to obtain the location permission of the other party in pictures or articles. Then send it to the other party. As long as the other party clicks to open these links, it is equivalent to authorizing us to locate, so we can obtain the other party's location authority and related information through the background. After obtaining the latitude and longitude value of the other party, we can obtain the position of the other party by inputting the latitude and longitude value in any map software.

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Monitor calls, SMS, Gps, Camera, Photos, Videos, Whatsapp, Facebook, etc.
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In fact, for us, if we really want to locate the location of the other party now, the easiest way is to enable the location sharing function through some social software. Software like WhatsApp basically has the location sharing function, but the prerequisite is that the other party It is our buddies that we are able to use this method.

  • Open the WhatsApp app on your phone and select the chat window you want to share your location with.
  • In the input box at the bottom of the chat window, click the "Share" button. Then select the "Location" option from the pop-up menu.
  • In the "Location" interface, you can choose "Live Location" or "Static Location". If you want to share your current location, please select "Live Location"; if you want to share a specific location, please select "Static Location".
  • If you selected "Live Location", click the "Enable" button to enable location sharing. If you choose "Static Location", enter or search for the location you want to share and click the "Send" button.
  • If you choose "Live Location", please set the duration of location sharing (such as 15 minutes, 1 hour, etc.).
  • Click the "Send" button to send the location information to your contacts.
  • Please note that when using the location sharing function, please ensure that you have obtained sufficient permissions and follow privacy. Also, if you want to stop sharing your location at any time, click the "Stop" button in the chat window.

Check the location of the other party's mobile phone for free

  • First of all, we need to open the settings page of the target mobile phone, and then click on the settings page.
  • After entering the "Settings" page, swipe down the screen to see the "Security" option.
  • Click "Find Device" in the "Security" option, there are many function options here. These functions are divided into three major options, location ring, lock tracking and data protection.
  • The functions of different options will be different. Let's first understand the positioning ring. If you locate the ring, you can perform remote positioning and find the ring.
  • The lock tracking function can track the device while locking it, and it will record where you have been.
  • The data protection function can realize remote erasure of data and protect our personal information. When your mobile phone is lost or stolen, you can activate this option.

After understanding the functions of these three options, we then enable the "Find My Phone" option. Only after this option is turned on can the device be positioned, even if it is turned off. Finally, enable the "Send Last Location" function. After turning on this option, when your phone is in a low battery condition, the phone will actively send the location.

After setting all these functions, then we return to the mobile phone desktop, and then click "Settings" again, because any mobile phone needs to have a bound account. After clicking to enter the account page, we can see personal information, real-name authentication, etc., and then we slide to the bottom of the screen and log out of the account.

Click to log out of the account and log in to the other party's mobile phone account to bind with your own mobile phone. When you can't find the other party, you can log in to her mobile phone account and click Find Device. In the end, we can see the precise location of the other party's mobile phone. Through this location, we can click on the navigation and then search for it. The positioning will be very accurate.

How to track wife's phone location

  • Open WhatsApp on my wife's phone.
  • Share live location, find wife chat with yourself and share live location.
  • After the sharing is completed and the sending is completed, you can see the location of the other party using your mobile phone.

Introduction to Mobile Location

Mobile phone positioning refers to the technology or service that obtains the location information (latitude and longitude coordinates) of mobile phones or end users through specific positioning technology, and marks the position of the positioned object on the electronic map. There are two positioning technologies, one is GPS-based positioning, and the other is base station positioning based on the mobile operating network.

The positioning method based on GPS is to use the GPS positioning module on the mobile phone to send its own position signal to the positioning background to realize the positioning of the mobile phone. Base station positioning is to use the base station to measure the distance of the mobile phone to determine the location of the mobile phone. The latter does not require the mobile phone to have GPS positioning capabilities, but the accuracy depends largely on the distribution of base stations and the size of the coverage area, and the error sometimes exceeds one kilometer. The former has higher positioning accuracy, and it can also use Wifi to locate in a small area.